How Safe Is Your Website? [Infographic]
It’s time. Your website needs a health checkup. Sure, you could wait…if you want to increase your potential in being among the 648,000,000 websites reporting problems related to hacking and tampering.
Complete a brief checkup now. Are you committing one of the following, unsafe actions?
- Using cheap hosting services
- Leveraging badly-coded third-party extensions
- Keeping poor or weak log-in passwords for executive credentials
- Hosting out-of-date platforms, extensions, plug-ins, or third-party services
Joomla and Wordpress (48% of web’s 100 most-popular blogs use) are well-liked content management systems. Hackers are well aware, exacting the following, nefarious actions of the CMS of choice:
- Script injections, embedded on your website by third-party downloads
- Bypassing normal authentification pathways, gaining FTP and other info
- Malware-like threats, most visible to search engines like Google, which may label your site as ‘compromised’
- Redirects, affecting prime as well as sub domains
Don’t fall victim to an array of threats influencing the livelihoods and operations of webmasters of all industries. A number of protection services and options made available to users include:
- Verify your website using Google Webmaster Tools
- Use a secure hosting service
- Keep PHP extensions up-to-date
- Backup the information on your website
- Log network traffic, better enabling hacker identification
- Use scanners, regularly checking for breaches and instances of hacking
It can happen to any website at any time. In 2012, Thomson Reuters become a victim due to something as obscure as an outdated Wordpress plugin. Don’t be the next victim; be proactive, read the following information.

Infographic by
14 comments to "How Safe Is Your Website? [Infographic]"
at present time website security is an important issue to every webmaster. At the matter of website business hosting is a vital thing that can save you a lot by protecting your site from malware attack, making your site speedy to get vast traffic from different zone, stopping unnecessary error showing etc.
hello i great u. i visited one of post on how to center header image and text. i applied it to my blog tru the add css code from template and my blog is not in good order again my home page is not what it looks like again. please i need ur help check my blog to see. i really need ur assistance. u are doing a great work here. this sit will help me alot as am new in blogging. thanks
Great security tips shared here, I will keep updated myself now,
Very useful information
Safety is the first priority of every internet user, in this scenario everyone wants to visit secure websites. Especially when your customers have satisfaction that your website is secure in browsing and exploring then definitely it lefts good impression on their mind. Your shared information is very helpful and informative to understand the importance of secure blog and websites.
Security is an on-going practice and not just install and case closed. Your web host is not the one to blame if you are not taking your responsibility to maintain an always up-to-date version of your running website – just like Microsoft Windows Operating System, security patches are always released to keep your Windows PC up-to-date and stay secured.
There are also 3rd party services which will scan and automatically remove malware on your website once you are affected. This service are definitely like hiring a security guard for your website.
Very nice and simple to read infographic. One of the most common holes taken advantage of malicious individuals is lots of bloggers use free themes and plugins that some third party developers will lace with things developers use to further their own wants without the blogger knowing.
Thanks for these safety tips, it's important you backup your blog but speak of safety, when i visit your website mccafee says it's risky. It might just be an error but it did show me a warning, can you check on that.
Great infographic explanation to secure blog. Thanks for sharing such a secure information with us.
I use blogger, I wanted to know how you inserted an infographic.
Thanks for the post.It was really helpful , keep it up bro..!!!
Please greenlava you are a senior please suggest me how i secure my blogger blog from hackers.Please sir give me some tips.
@Ghost Rider
Use 2-Step Verification on your Google account. That's the single most important thing you can do to secure your blog.
Thanks greenlava for the tip.I apply 2 step verification on my gmail account :)
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