5 Things To Remember When Creating Your Own Site

This is a guest post by Lily Davis.

If you want to maximize your reach to customers and readers, you have to have your own website. However, it is no longer just enough to put up a website and hope that users will come. You need to have some direction and put in the effort to make a user experience that will keep visitors coming back. Below are five things to remember when creating your own website or blog.

Provide Meaningful Content

It doesn't matter how cool your site looks, if the content is not useful to your visitors, they will not come back. You want content that provides meaning and helpful information to your visitors. For bloggers you want to write articles that are useful to your users and can provide helpful solutions. Businesses should provide content that will help your customers make a decision on a product or provide information on what services your business provides.

Upgrade the Look of Your Wordpress Site With Themes

change wordpress theme One huge mistake that new websites owners make when setting up their site with Wordpress is sticking with the default theme. Themes are website templates that control the layout of your site. There are literally millions of themes available on the internet for free and it is simple to change out to a new theme. Login to your dashboard and go to appearance, and then themes. From there you can search for a theme that suits your needs. From there click install and then activate and refresh your main website. Your new theme is now active and each page in your site will use the same template.

Use SEO to Drive More Traffic

seo to drive traffic

If you want to drive traffic to your website, then you need to spend some time with Search Engine Optimization. Not paying attention to SEO will result in your site not moving up in Google or other search engines and users will have a harder time finding your blog. One handy solution is to install Scribe, Copyblogger Media's solution for SEO. It will analyze your content and give you tips how to improve traffic to your site.

Make it Mobile

It doesn't matter whether you are setting up a website for your business or hosting a simple blog, your site will need to be compatible for mobile devices. Many webmasters report that as much as 30 percent of their web traffic is driven from mobile devices.

responsive design for mobile

If you are using Wordpress for your site, you can install the WP touch plugin that will automatically create a mobile version of your site. If you are using Blogger, go to Template, click on the settings cog under the “Mobile” preview, and select "Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices".

For those not using Wordpress or Blogger, your two best options will be creating a separate mobile site for your website or using a responsive design. A responsive design for your website allows the site to rearrange itself to fit most mobile devices.

There are actually a lot of Wordpress video tutorials on Youtube with detailed views on how to create a mobile friendly website or also known as 'Responsive Web Design'. You can go check those one out.

Use Social Media

social media

One of the best ways to get your site more exposure and to drive traffic to your site is through the use of social media. Sites such as Digg, Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter will all help to give your site greater exposure. Wordpress users can install a plugin for various social media sites that will allow you to add a social media functionality. Go to dashboard, and under plugins search for the social media plugin you need for your site.

About the author
Lily Davis is a member of PressTheWord, a tutorial channel in Youtube. They do Wordpress video tutorials, and they also focus on web design and hosting.

16 comments to "5 Things To Remember When Creating Your Own Site"

widget for blogger May 14, 2013 at 1:58 AM    

thanks for the tips as i am already working on my client site i will keep in mind this recommendations

Mrs Ijam May 14, 2013 at 8:19 PM    

Thanks for the tips and also steps:)

Anonymous,  May 15, 2013 at 2:24 AM    

very informative article. Thanks for sharing!

Pranjal B May 15, 2013 at 10:52 AM    

Some other points may have been included. Why only wordpress?

Arham Sukardi May 15, 2013 at 12:13 PM    

Thanks for sharing this tips, I using blogger

Frank Cern May 15, 2013 at 12:20 PM    

Making the site mobile is fast becoming more and more important. I do agree with Pranjal though, Wordpress is not the only CMS around although it is the most popular.

techbing May 16, 2013 at 1:50 AM    

nice tips for creating website for new user to tell him all tips and tricks about creating websites.

Creating Your Own Website May 16, 2013 at 3:13 AM    

thanks for 5 important things about creating a websites.

obat batu ginjal herbal May 16, 2013 at 3:58 PM    

Thx's for sharing & tips ..

Anz Joy May 20, 2013 at 1:17 AM    

Excellent post.Would you like to guest posts on my site???

make money online May 23, 2013 at 2:29 PM    

Content is always king. people who come to your site do so because they need information. If your site can deliver that information, then you have a greater number of the people with you.

we must never neglect the look of our blogs/websites because it gives the first impression about us to our visitors. Some people would never care to proceed into your site if your home page is shabby and poorly designed.

In this era of smarts phones/mobiles, people browse the internet on the go; so you must take advantage of the number of persons accessing blogs with phones by making your site mobile-friendly.

Then you can make yourself relevant by utilizing the power of the social media to get more friends and drive traffic to your site. Particularly helpful are facebook, twitter, pinterest, Google+, etc.

Design Monks May 30, 2013 at 4:32 AM    

Like the GUY above me posted. CONTENT is KING. Your website must contain those keywords that will help you push yourself up the ladder. Doing some SEO will help but good quality content is so much better.

Yaso May 31, 2013 at 12:59 PM    

Hey..This site have awesome information,
Keep post more..we want to see more stuffs,

jolie June 9, 2013 at 10:34 PM    

Well Your are posting are good stuff keep going on these stuff thanks for this

smita June 11, 2013 at 5:32 PM    

digital marketing is important for new website, thanks for sharing the tips

Plaban June 29, 2013 at 1:54 AM    

When I create new sites I make sure it is easy to navigate and use friendly.

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